Antenatal care
Your antenatal care
Community midwives run antenatal clinics in community hubs, health centres and a few Children’s Centres close to where you live. They are often the first point of contact for pregnant women and birthing people. It is important you contact your midwife a soon as possible in pregnancy so, that they can plan your ongoing care with you.
Did you know that you can refer yourself for an appointment with one of our midwives, without speaking to your GP first?
You can self-refer by calling our Maternity Helpline on 020 8836 4491.
Or fill out our online self-referral form for maternity services
You can also find information about antenatal care on the pregnancy pages of the NHS website.
Your community midwife will provide all aspects of maternity care provided your pregnancy is straightforward. If concerns are identified, your community midwife will refer you to the hospital team but will continue to offer you advice and support as part of your care plan.
Your ongoing pregnancy care will be provided in line with the current NICE guidelines for antenatal care, with appointments tailored to meet your individual needs. If your pregnancy is not straightforward, we will offer you an appointment with one of our team of obstetric consultants who will become the lead professional for your pregnancy and will review your plan of care with you. If problems are identified, you will receive shared care with your consultant obstetrician and community midwife. These appointments will be tailored to meet your individual needs.
Where will your care be based?
Depending on your individual needs, your care will be based either in community hubs, health centres or some children’s centres where midwives have a clinic, or at one of our hospital Antenatal Clinics.
Some people who have a low income or receive certain benefits can claim a refund for their travel to appointments using the government’s Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS). Find out more about help with travel costs.
Specialist care for women with additional healthcare needs
In addition to our regular antenatal care, we offer a range of specialist support: